Speak of the Bevill

My contribution to the waste of the internet. - aaron bevill

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Senator Ted Stevens on "Net Neutrality"

This has been the funniest example of how little our government knows about technology. It's scary to think this guy is in charge of anything.

Ted Stevens covered on the Daily Show. (warning may not be appropriate for work)

You can hear the entire argument here. It's pretty entertaining.

Erik Mongrain

Amazing guitar player in the spirit of Michael Hedges. Just blows my mind man. If I could play like this I would never leave my house. I would just sit around and amaze myself :)

La La CD Want List

I have just started using an online cd trading service called La La. This is a great way to get rid of all those lame cds youv'e collected through the years. Here is my "Want List".

Click here to get any of my CDs for $1

Welcome to "Speak of the Bevill"

Welcome to my first ever blog. This blog is ment to let friends and family know what is going on in my day to day life.