Spiderman 3 Trailer

One word... "VENOM"!!! Looks great. You can downlod the new trailer in 720p here. Right click and choose "Download Linked File" on OS X or "save as" on windows.
My contribution to the waste of the internet. - aaron bevill
On November 22nd -- the year anniversary for the Xbox 360 -- Microsoft is announcing something fairly momentus, not for the gaming community, but for the CE industry. The Xbox 360, along with Akimbo, will be among the first mass-market devices able to download high def television programs -- and the first we know of in the states able to download HD movies. The service is called Xbox Live Video, and the fall update enables customers to spend their Microsoft points on standard and HD television from CBS, MTV, Comedy Central, VH1, Turner, and UFC, as well as HD movies from Warner Bros., Paramount, and so on. - engadget.com